CulverCity Karate

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How to Break into Locks with Beer Can Shims, Bump Keys & Just Plain Brute Force

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How to Hack a Vending Machine: 9 Tricks to Getting Free Drinks, Snacks & Money

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How to Make a Creepy Slender Man Costume for Halloween

The point of any workout is to stress your body and initiate an adaptive training response. Period.

Competition and cooperation are two modes of interaction that engage us throughout our lives. West LA Seido Karate recognizes the need for being skillful at both. We channel the cooperative instinct in the dojo in a variety of ways, ritual courtesy being the most visible. We also give our competitive nature its due. In weekly sparring classes and periodic tournaments throughout the year, the West LA Seido program provides the eligible student with sufficient opportunities to "test" her or...

Life has always been complex and challenging. The challenges today are just different than what they were in the past. Nowadays instead of hunting and scavaging for food and living in the elements we're bombarded with suggestions and demands from our highly sophisticated societies. How is it possible to find harmony amidst what are often contradictory messages?!

Kurt Harris, MD, writes about paleolithic nutrition at his highly recommended blog,

The famed chessmaster Capablanca was once asked how many moves ahead he saw when playing a game of chess. His answer? "I see only one move ahead, but it is ALWAYS the right move."

On the one hand you have all-out physical engagement with extreme prejudice if the case warrants it, on the other you have introspection and mindfulness with much attention given to impulse control. What's the deal?